It did seem to require quite a lot of plastic though, albeit plastic that I use and use and use. See my food processor (it was actually my mother's, bought some time in the 1980s), plastic measuring jug and plastic weighing scale bowl drying here. (Note also the plastic tin opener at the back) Sigh - plastic really does rule our lives.

(The white and green cup is my amazing Keepcup about which I'll write more anon)
Oh, and here's the oatcake recipe. It's traditional Scottish from Florence Marian McNeill (Recipes from Scotland (Gordon Wright, £7.95)) found via Rose Prince in the Telegraph (ain't google handy)
Combine 125g medium oatmeal with a pinch each of salt and bicarbonate of soda and one teaspoon of lard, dripping or butter, then add enough hot water to bind all together to make a stiff paste.
Preheat the oven to 180C/gas mark 4. To shape the oatcakes, scatter dry oatmeal on to a board and roll out to a thin round sheet. Work quickly, because the dough will be sticky and you will need to keep flipping it over, dusting with more oatmeal to prevent sticking. Use a plate to cut a round, then transfer to a lightly greased baking sheet. Cut into quarters and bake until crisp and slightly curled at the edge.
They were yum.
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